There have been workarounds (from taking advantage of another bug to just outright patching and hacking), but this is on every single copy released in the NTSC region. It would be okay if it was any other boss, but this is the optional boss, which must be defeated fifteen times for 100% Completion. However, due to the removal of the attack's code and typing between translation and making the final copies, the game simply freezes up. On her sixth action, if you haven't dealt about 80% or more damage to her, she is supposed to use an attack called 'Fractal Change', which does a random Jamming effect out of the four and shifts her stats between four random possible patterns. The English release of Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica has a big one during the last fight against Raki in the final area of the game.It is possible, though still fairly hair-pulling if you don't have a way to counter enemies that, say, chain accuracy decreases or evasion increases. The infamous Game Boy Color Animorphs game is full of these, to the point where it's not entirely clear if anyone has actually managed to finish the game.